

1 Swarm of Terror 
2 Our Savior Sleeps 
3 Challenge the Storm 
4 Harnessing Ruin 
5 Dead to Me 
6 Son of Iniquity 
7 My Own Enemy 
8 Crown the Liar 
9 At Mourning’s Twilight 




Steve Shalati - drums

Ross Dolan - bass/vocals

Bill Taylor - guitar

Robert Vigna - guitar


IMMOLATION: "Harnessing Ruin"    immolation          

distributed  in Switzerland  by Irascible Distribution

review by Gianrichy "Richy" Giamboi ___                       

Immolation manage to make dissonant harmonies sound catchy!

So, after fifteen years, the never tired US-deather of Immolation definitively don’ t seem tired to come over the world with a brandnew plague forged in brutality and hate! For me, this band always sounded like Morbid Angel going crazy, and as the second mentioned  always sailed in a great sea of madness, Immolation generally were a little bit too much chaotic from my point of view.

But as things always change in a way that one doesn’ t expect, this band behaved like good whiskey. The older they got, the better they got rid of their need for confusion and became better by time passing.  

Nowadays Immolation present us a very interesting piece of good music. Brutal as always but a little better controlled in their virtuosity these guys composed nine songs of highest death metal level! Immolation manage to make dissonant harmonies sound catchy! Due to this almost unique trademark, the listener doesn t get tired of trying to solve this riddle and remains fascinated more and more of the whole work done by this band!

After all, a marvelous death metal album expects to be discovered by anyone who longs for a little bit untypical brutal death metal with a touch of disharmony. To mention the song Son of Iniquity with its spoken words part and the pretty untypical atmosphere. 

rating: 8,5/10  

Gianrichy Giamboi  


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