weather yesterday was not good at all in Minneapolis. It rained
pretty much all day and stayed at a relatively cold temperature,
which is very uncommon for this time of year. I just hope that the
bands didn’t get a bad impression of this state and or city
because of it! I got to the show, early as usual at least two
hours before hand. And to my surprise, three people beat me there.
No big deal. To be honest, I did not know
what to expect. Nightwish is not heavily marketed here and this is
there first tour in North America so I didn’t know if there was
going to be a lot of people here, or not. I was hoping there would
be a nice mixture. I noticed standing in line and looking out to
the cars driving in the street, cars of fans that were coming from
out of state and country to see this show. I saw three different
cars pull up that were from Manitoba. I also ran into people there
that came from North and South Dakota. This to me shows the
dedication these fans have for Nightwish or Lullacry or whatever. On
with my synopsis! |
have reviewed this bands live performance once before and THEY
know it sounds bad that it would bother me, but as a bass player
myself…you know what I am going to say next so I wont bother
typing it out. AD came out with some horn intro that they could
have done without, but the band still, if anything, shocked
everyone with their sound. They didn’t
sound like a typical metal band and they weren’t the Nightwish
clone I thought the band was originally.
The band played more dramatically then they had previously.
It’s almost hard to describe because it was so original. If
anything, they had this progressive feel to it, but it was heavier
and more, well, dramatic! The band didn’t move much on stage
however; the singer did all of the work though. In case you
didn’t read my first review, the singer of AD is a female Opera
singer. Not just someone who can add vibrato well into her vocals,
but a genuine opera singer. And she was good, really good. So good
it was scary. She was wearing a belly dance outfit that showed a
ton of midriff, dancing exotically on stage; I could see the faces
on some kids that were just mesmerized by her. It’s too bad I
didn’t get a picture! AD also had a violin player, play with
them on stage and it’s sound too bad either, a bit strange to
see though, but her and one of the guitar players would be
mimicking each others parts and then she would switch and play
along with what the singer was doing. My favorite song of
there’s was when they did a rendition of “The
Magic Flute” a Mozart Opera. The singer hit every
note dead on. I’m seeing these guys tomorrow night. Gotta love
local bands. I recommend these guys.
isn’t much I can say about they’re set. Lullacry had a very
rock feel to there music and how they portrayed it on stage. The
singer looked like a bad ass. She looked great, although you could
barley hear her though. Now this band was jumping and running all
over the stage inciting people to get into the music. Lullacry was
in the same boat as Nightwish, although Lullacry did play one show
in North America before they had not toured here before. So I had
no idea what to expect. The crowd got into
them somewhat but they weren’t concrete though. They did play
WASP’s “Love Machine” but the problem is that the
majority of the crowd was made up of fans 16-24, and has never
even heard of WASP let alone expects us to sing the choruses. I
could tell the band was a bit pissed that the crowd wasn’t
singing right a way. The songs they performed that I knew from
“Crucify My Heart” they played well but I could tell they
didn’t have the same drive as other bands have when they play.
It almost felt to me that they just wanted to play and then get
out. They did put on a good show though.
opened up with “Dark Chest of Wonders” and the crowd went
nuts. They had some intro music, which added something to it, but
when the band struck that first chord, the crowd knew exactly what
they were getting and it sounded great! Bad part is, they had
major sound problems in my opinion. You couldn’t hear Tarja very
well (which was corrected later) and the guitar sounded like crap.
To put it so eloquently, I know what his guitar is supposed to
sound like and from where I was standing, and I have a pretty good
idea this was everywhere, sounded like hell! It wasn’t loud
enough first of all, and it didn’t have the chugging distortion
that it did on the album. The keys came in great, the drums
sounded mint, and the bass you could hear clear as day! It’s
just the guitar was a huge let down. Another thing I was looking for in their set was
how they were going to play the new material. On “Once” they
used the “London Session Orchestra” on the whole CD. My
question was how they were going to integrate that sound live. It
was half and half. Tuomas played half the stuff on keys and the
other half was sampled. It didn’t sound bad at all either and I
thought it was acceptable. One other highlight was when Tarja went
to take a break and the whole band played “Symphony of
Destruction” by Megadeth
with Marco doing the singing! It sounded weird with keys! I’ve
heard this song a thousand times and I had no idea what it was
going to sound like with one guitar. It would have been better if
the guitar didn’t sound like hell! From what I could tell was
Emppu didn’t play the solo exactly, but I could be wrong too
since I COULD BARELY HEAR IT! I would say ¾ of the crowd got into
it but I could tell because of the age group, the other ¼ had no
idea the song existed.
I would have to say that Nightwish put on a great show despite one
of the worst guitar sounds I have ever heard live no
thanks to Mr. Murphy (from murphy’s law) on sound. Marco’s
vocals were great too. No, I have not forgotten Tarja, they fixed
her vocals finally and she sounds every bit as good live as she
does on the CD. Nighwish put on a great show hands down.
Lullacry 7.5/10
Daeva 8/10