preview-review by dalia "gryphon_spirit"
di giacomo____ 
theatres in Switzerland on 19th August 2004
- Humorous,
ironic movie with action, much laugh and amusement. Even better than Roger Rabbit.
review -
It's all about me-ow or not? A relationship of love /hate between a cat and a dog can exists and it becomes even more
interesting when the cat in question is the mythical , ironic, humorous Garfield (a human in a cat-suit, like its daddy- creator Jim Davis says) and
when the dog is a sweet cute, but very naive one, like Odie. Garfield, the
emblem of felines, lives like a king at Jon Arbuckle's home (his owner
portrayed by Breckin Meyer) , eats Jon's lasagna's, pretends to hunt his
friend mouse, and hates Dr veterinary Liz Wilson's surgery. On the contrary Jon is really
very interested in Liz (Jennifer Love Hewitt). The comfortable world of the
orange lazy but clever cat is running the risk to collapse when the presence of dog Odie, beloved by both Liz and Jon,
bursts into his life. The communion between Odie and Garfield appears immediately problematic,
Garfield is also able to put the doggy out of his kingdom's door. But when
Odie is kidnapped by the sinister, frustrated, unsuccessful journalist
Happy Chapman and gets in big danger, Garfield
is touched and feels guilty, starting off a spectacular rescue- action, between television station's and
dogcatchers. Garfield , who expresses himself through
"spoken thoughts" (the voice in the German version is given
by Thomas Gottschalk) not only tries to communicate with Jon in a humorous way, but also gathers many friends on 4
paws: cats, dogs, mice and rats. He launches himself in an adventure that requires
bravery and strength: it happens exactly to him who doesn't like diets and feels a deep aversion to physical fitness. But he will follow Odie through
air-condition tubes, will escape, together a lot of fellows, from the
dog's (and cat's) house, will put his paws here and there in the railway station
creating a big chaotic situation, will make us laugh a lot, cause his comments and the situations
in themselves are so funny. Will Garfield save Odie? Oh yes, of course: the
amusing thing is to see how! Will then Garfield remain the master of the remote control?
And Liz and Jon? Will it be love?
I must say that this movie is really well done. Lazy Garfield is the only character to be animated through excellent digital effects, while all other
characters are in blood and flesh, animals included. Better than Roger Rabbit.
Animals express their feelings like human beings and
Garfield gets life and gets lively so much that you forget he 's a cartoon.
It is the classic movie that makes you to get rid of your worries through
laugh and smile instead than through gratuitously violence, but without missing the concept of action. The ironic
- sarcastic
Garfield's way of thinking is source of unstoppable entertainment ,
matching well some metalheads'vision of the world.
dalia di giacomo