fuck sakes why can’t he do this in more songs!
This was one of those albums I’ve
had to listen to more than a few times to garner up some sort on an
opinion. I’ve had this album in my possession about a week after it
came out. At first, I didn’t know what to think of it. Solar Soul didn’t
sound like their previous album Reign of Light, matter of fact, there
weren’t any similarities whatsoever. SS reminded me more like Eternal
than anything else. Solar Soul overall had it’s good moments but along
with those good moments came some rather boring ones.
According to the message boards I’ve read and the poll on their
website, the title track,
Solar Soul is the best song on the track. The funny part
about this song to me, it sounds like a cross between a metal song, a
march, and a bad Rammstein song. I thought it was a bit monotonous, it
wasn’t as dynamic as the band has been in some of the other tracks
they’ve done. The song is sung up in chops, which is normal for Samael,
but it was different this time around, Vorph tried to sing them in a way
that it would be catchy. I admit, I bob my head when I listen to the
song, but most of the time, I just turn to the next track.

My favourite song on the
album is definitely
Slavocracy. It’s much more dynamic than the first track.
Slavocracy blends more electronics in this song more so than the othr
two tracks and it makes it sound “rave” like. It also has an Asian
feel to it, maybe because of the sitar in the background? The song is
very theatrical but the problem with that, is the fact that within a
span of 3 minutes and 31 seconds it goes from fast to mid-pace, back to
fast again, then slow, then back to the opening theme again. I thought
this song could have been more intense.
Of all the songs on this CD, On The Rise sounds like it
could have been placed on either their Eternal or Passage CDs. It’s a
little simpler in beats. And the lyrics are sung with the same reverb
effect found on those CDs. Not to mention Vorph is screaming in the same
fashion on this track as he does on those prospective albums. The
programming for the keys seemed simple and straight forward until I sat
and listen to all the layers, it’s not a bad track overall, a little
on the undynamic side, but that’s typical of Samael.
Quasar Waves contains a bit more of the Indian and
Middle Eastern influence with sitar and conga content of this song. The
song starts out completely different than how it ends. It sounds kind of
“weak” but it ends up a strong metal song in the end. I felt those
other instruments gave the song that extra dynamic that Samael hasn’t
really had in this album. The lyrics are catchy, the beat is catchy, I
just I knew what the title of the song means.
The best singing on this album is on Architect. I also
consider it the most underrated song on the CD that most of the fans
seem to overlook. There are aspects of this song that give it more life
than all the other songs. There are more guitar layers on song along
with better keyboard arrangements. It’s a straightforward song, not
fast but more on the slow side, but what makes this track so unique and
what got me hooked to it, is the singing. In addition to Vorph's
monotonous growling, he actually sings on this song! And he sounds
great! For fuck sakes why can’t he do this in more songs! It sounds
like he’s singing from the top of a cliff to the people below. I get
more imagery from this track than any other on the CD, it’s just a
shame it’s overlooked by a lot of fans.
I felt the overall sound quality was a little dry and little cold
sounding. It sounded way too manufactured. It’s as if they didn’t
bother recording real drums this time around. The bass was there, but it
sounded like it was phoned in. What that means to everyone outside the
US, it means that it sounded like the bass sound, was weak. Nothing
wrong with the actual playing itself, but the quality in which it was
recorded was somewhat pathetic. It just seemed too polished to me.
Overall, I felt the CD wasn’t as dynamic and diverse as Reign of Light
was. It’s hard to top that CD I know but this wasn’t even close. It
was mostly too straightforward. I’m not sure hoe much of this is the
bands fault, in a way, I blame the producer, whomever that was. Would I
recommend Solar Sun? I’m not sure. If they come out for singles for
the songs I’ve mentioned above, yes. But I felt bored throughout the
CD, waiting for something good to come on. This wasn’t even close to
Reign of Light. It pains me to write this because Samael is one of my
favourite bands and at first I really liked this CD, but I got bored of
it quickly.