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INTERVIEW with Eddie Khudoverdov, drummer from DEVILTEARS



















 Link on GryphonMetal: review "What Dreams May Come"    Deviltears - "What Dreams May Come" - Review by Salvo RussoDeviltears - "What Dreams May Come" - Review by Salvo Russo




Deviltears'  new album "What Dreams May Come" has been recently released and our editor Salvo Russo explored this album describing it as full of melody and power and distorted guitars, "absolutely Gothic oriented as the best Finnish bands did in the previous decade". It was obvious that our Salvo's next step was a chat with the band! 



Interview by Salvo Russo

We've decided to come back to our roots.


Salvo Russo: Hi Eddie, Deviltears' new album is arrived, are you satisfied about the final outcome?

Eddie Khudoverdov: Hi! Yes, of course we are satisfied, the album was created in a very friendly atmosphere, , I could even say on one breath. It’s our first project to be created fully in a positive way and with a great will to get out of traditional borders, so we are extremely happy with the result.


Your music always takes inspiration from Finnish goth but in my opinion is an oversimplification, the more I listen the more I find new keys. The music takes out the most melancholic part of 80's hard music and blends it with the sound of bands as To Die For, For My Pain, Sentenced, this album remarks this more and more, do you agree!?

I do not fully agree with this comparison, yes there was a time we used to be inspired by these bands, but time passed and we’ve decided to come back to our roots and to create something of our own. I suppose, it’s a dream of every musician to create something recognizable in his songs, maybe we haven’t succeed in it, but we are trying to do so.


The lyrics are a very important point in your work, what can you tell us about them?

Yes, we are really lucky to have two amazing girls – Ksenia Buslaeva and Anastasia Fedotchenko who really achieve 100% of our goals and what we want to achieve with our lyrics. The thing is – first we have an idea of the lyrics subject, even a little story for a song to be written. Then our dearest girls create really cool lyrics that goes straight into your heart. We always try to feel the lyrics first to feel engaged. If you feel the emotions it means the lyrics are well written and our fans are sure to like it.


"When Diamond Fall Asleep" is one of my favourite song and video ever! Can you tell us what inspired that song, and that awesome video!?

It’s simple as it is. The melody came first, then the music, next Ksenia gave us an idea for the song and we understood that that’s what we were looking for. So it was created so fast but in full harmony as well as the whole album. Speaking about video – it’s all up to George Pakkert, the director and the author of the video, he is a real professional, we fully trusted in him and never were disappointed. Thanks him again for the great video!


The song "Coming Home" really reminds of 80's music mixed with modern alternative rock, a good job made thanks to a simple but really appropriate arrangment. How did it come out!? Who's the one assigned to set the arrangements?

 It’s a great song, one of my favorites in the album as well as in all Deviltears' art. We grew up with the music of 80’s, so it was an experiment for us, it was so interesting and inspiring to create a song in the 80’s style and we always wanted to create something out of our traditional style. We hope that we’ve achieved it, the music was written by our guitarist Sergey Buk Sapikhin and the arrangements were made in the studio.


The future of music is so uncertain not for the lack of quality, may be the problem is just the opposite; too many bands and great quality, nowdays in order to stand out it's necessary to find the right way to promote the album, what do you think about this?
Yes, it’s quite a big problem the Internet plays an important role, from one side it is good as it helps to reach fans from all over the world, but from the other side recording companies are collapsed and fans themselves are killing rock’n’roll itself by copying songs from the Internet for free. There were always plenty of good bands, but only those who have something fresh and new can survive.


Did you already planned a tour?
It is difficult to talk about it now, I don’t want to show down for now, but we are working on that ;)



Final question, I give you the chance to promote this album, tell us a slogan or whatever you feel to say about it!

The Deviltears music comes to your ears, enters your souls and rests in your heart forever.


Interview by Salvo Russo




Layout design for the album "What Dreams May Come", released via Soyuz Music as jewel case with 16 page booklet. All rights reserved to Label and Band.






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