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INTERVIEW WITH Kolya/Nicholas Flover  from FLOVER

Interview by Salvo Russo


Our  romantic Salvo Russo is a great supporter of Love Metal and, at the moment,  he goes for  a young, new band inspired by HIM : FloveR. FloveR, founded on November 1st 2016,  is a band for fans of HIM, The Rasmus, The 69 Eyes and the new album "Dark & Sweet" is out now and can be streamed for free (pls read info below).  They classify their music as SweetRock.  
The band members come from Russia and Italy – and they have never met in person. Are FloveR the new HIM? Our Salvo has found a way to get an interview ith Kolya in order to know more about this dark and sweet new presence in the Gothic/Love Metal scene! 






FloveR is :

Vocal - Fabio Phobos Storm 
Music - George Geswel, Kolya Flover 
Record - George Geswel


For fans: HIM, The 69 Eyes, The Rasmus and etc.

New album by FloveR - Dark & Sweet out now! FULL FREE listening!







Salvo: FloveR is a project started few years ago, what can you tell me about the history of this project?

FloveR: The idea came to me in 2008. in that time I did not have the technical ability to record music then I started looking for like-minded people. In my native city I was not lucky. But thank God we have the Internet. I found people who liked my idea and then we started a path in order to make the debut album.


The new album is the big goal that you achivied after a demo released one year before, are you satisfied of the final outcome?

I am 90% satisfied with it. Since that the album can be considered "avarage quality" concerning production.
I did not have much money it. My American friend helped me and sponsored part of it. I am very grateful to him for his help. Average quality is more than I could afford at the moment.


It's evident, that your style is typically Finnish Lovemetal, when did you begin listening to this music and what are your favourite bands?

I started listening to this music in 2003. I was absolutely thrilled with the band HIM. They changed my life like no others did. They are an amazing phenomenon for me. Moreover my main influences are Icon & The Black Roses, Entwine ( before 2004 ), The 69 Eyes ( before 2007 ).


Have you ever though to mix your music with new modern rock styles?

Yes. On the new album called The Requiem of Love we will add a bit of modern sound. But the album will be basically in the same key as the first one.


The collaboration with Fabio Storm gave a great value to your songs, how did you get in touch with him?

I just found his band, The Strigas, and i really liked his style and his amazing voice.


Your new album contains great hits; Could you tell me something about the single "Violet Roses", who inspired this song?

This was our first song. This song was written under the big influence of the band Icon and Black Roses. Our first singer Greece Thanos sang it perfectly, but we changed the refrain vocal line for the album version with Fabio in order to make it more pop.


HIM have announced their last tour and after that they'll quit; How did you react to this news?

It was a big shock to me. At the present time, I still do not believe what is happening. I really hope for their return in the future. But in the meantime we'll replace them -kidding-!!!


Your music really has that extra oomph comparing to the dozens who tried to play HIM style music or Lovemetal if you prefer, what's the secret to create a good Lovemetal song?

We are used to write music all together. FloveR is an international project. Without the help of certain people, our songs would not be the way they are. The secret is our friendship and the love for music.


Tell me about the future, is there something new in project for the future?

Yep. We started rewriting the vocals for our first album Sweet Rock with Fabio vocal. The album will be integrated with additional tracks that you have never listened before. Moreover, We have already 3 new songs for our new album The Requiem of Love. But at the moment i don't have much finance .I Hope we'll finish it in the middle of 2018.


The Game Of The Tower: You are on a very high tower and with you there are 3 bands, you have to push down two of them , saving the third one; Of course I won't bring HIM with me, but in this case for you there...


I've never loved Embelish band, so they fall first. Next will be Entwine becouse they change style to alterntive and its not very good for me. And Negative still good. They have no longer realeased new albums but i'm sure they'll come back soon.


Interview by Salvo Russo


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