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(Salla –vocals , Tuomas –guitars, Teemu-bass)







Involvers is a Finnish alternative rock band.  The band was formed in late 2014, consisting of five friends Tuomas Blomberg (guitar), Max Malinen (guitar), Salla Seppälä (vocals, saxophone), Teemu Tyyskä (bass) and Tomi Timonen (drums, percussion). Involvers' music got our editor Salvo Russo's attention, who had the possibility to interview them.



Interview by Salvo Russo

We involved two opposite genres.


Salvo Russo: It's a great pleasure to have this interview with you! First, your music really captured me, great sound, amazing singer. Could you introduce us your band!?

Involvers: We're Scandinavian alternative rock band from Finland. Our music combines indie pop and metal music.


Internet makes a very good job and really facilitates things, but there are a lot of bands and in general a high quality, and it's not easy to stand out. What's your recipe to get the attention of your potential public?

Writing good songs is the essential matter. Getting attention is obviously a challenge for any band as well as distribution since you need to find the right people. In this case, the internet is a great tool.


Let's talk about music. It's not easy to identify the perfect listener of Involvers the only comparison that comes up to my mind is the italian band The Shiver! What are your main influences?

Coldplay, Daughter, Foals, Turnover and even Bring Me The Horizon. We are not trying to copy anything but obviously musical influences effect one's subconsciousness.


The delicacy of your music could be perfect for soundtracks, have you ever thought about this?

Not yet actually but it would be great.

Could you describe us how do you usually create your music!? Who's the main composer of the band?

Sometimes one creates a demo and then we work around it. Other times it's just a riff and then the whole band starts to jam. Salla (singer) doesn’t like to create vocals on top of a song that is already made. It happens from time to time though. We like to be creative - we need some frames for building a picture but if the picture is already half done it is hard to give your best ideas. Pure white canvas with a rough sketch is always a good way to start creating vocals.


You have released only an Ep, is there something planned for the future, a full length, a tour?

We are actually going to release a new song very soon and we have plans to record a few songs more during next summer.

We're doing gigs regularly here in Finland and we're looking forward to play gigs abroad as soon as possible!


The vocals are easily the "added value" of Involvers. Salama is an amazing singer that could be described as a more intense and passionate Bjork, how much her voice influences the band in the process of making the songs or in the arrangement phase?

She´s got a great tone, no doubt about it! Obviously, we have to pay attention for her register. Great vocals are essential and we try to write music where her voice can blaze all of us.


You come from Finland, how's the current musical scene in Finland? The previous decade was characterized by LOVEMETAL scene, now things seem to be changed a lot.

Tables have really turned during the last ten years. It feels that nowadays Finnish music industry focuses more on national success. If you turn on the radio here in Finland, you will likely to hear some rap oriented pop.


The production and the arrangement represent an essential feature, how much importance do you give to these two aspects!?

When we are writing music, we really pay attention for arrangements. It's crucial and if you don't focus on that part, you may ruin your song and when we finally hit the studio, everything must be done perfectly. It takes time and nerves but eventually hard work will pay off.


Just a curiosity, why the name Involvers!?

We involved two opposite genres. That's why we named ourselves Involvers.


Give to us three good reasons to listen to Involvers and support your project.

We want to inspire our listeners with our music and create good vibes. Also it is important for us to get good feedback from our fans since it really makes us strive forward.


The Game of the Tower! You're on a high tower and with you 3 bands, you have to push down two of them, saving only one! With you there are:

Radiohead,  Bjork,  The Cure

Teemu: Radiohead, Salla: The Cure, Tomi: Björk, Tuomas: Björk, Max: Radiohead


Answered : Salla –vocals, Tuomas –guitars, Teemu-bass.

Interview by Salvo Russo, March 2017






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