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Presented by Murray Hill Theatre & Milestones Promotion 

Lacey Sturm

Sat, July 23, 2016

Murray Hill Theatre

Jacksonville, FL







Report by Stephanie McKenzie of the GryphonMetal.ch Team

Lacey Sturm and Stephanie McKenzieLacey Sturm and Stephanie McKenzie






Most times when I will be inteviewing or just getting a causal meeting with someone from a band, I think of questions. Being that I review Christian bands it is a different dynamic I do not see them as celebrities, I see them as my brothers and sisters in Christ. I worked with secular artists years ago and it was always the same, they had an arrogance to them that made it more unenjoyable than “star stuck.” The thing with Lacey Sturm though was i already felt like I knew her. Like we were truly part of the greek term “Ekklesa.” 

Most simply translated anytime that in the New Testament that you see the church, the assembly, the bride of Christ, That is us as Christians. It also refers to being “called out” “set apart.” and yes we do go into the darkest places to shine the light of the gospel. But, then we come together and fellowship.I was unaware that I would be meeting her until I got to the door and kind of got caught in the shuffle. When she did her meet and great there was not a table between as with most. There she was right in front of me. All I could say to her is I could really relate to her story. I too became an atheist at the age of 9. I wanted to die each day of my life up until 13 years ago and even now I stuggle with those thoughts from time to time. I really did not mean to say that to her. She grabbed my hands, both of them in the most loving way. She began to speak words of life over me, it was crazy I felt the tangable presence of God. I could not tell you what she said to me is was as if she was speaking straight to my soul. She hugged me and had me take my picture with her, something I NEVER DO. After that I was a little shaken up. But, then the show started and then my camera was not working properly. I did the best that I could so I do apologize for the lack of better pictures. She is like a little babydoll, so full of genuine joy. Midway though the show the owner of the Murray Hill Mr.Tony Nasrallah got up and spoke about why he made the choice to have a venue that is inviting and loving to people that would never set foot in a church. He truly reminds me of The Whosoever Movement when he speaks. It was an honor that he did that during her show, that too is something that is not usually done there. I think this was a bit more like a family reunion for the family of God. I look forward to doing all I can to keep the word out about this amazing venue. If you go to their site you can sign up for event notifications so that you never miss out on getting to see you favorite bands in such a wonderful intimate venue.

"Every Morning I See Another Miracle, I can’t believe I’m living the impossible, We are the sign and we are the wonder, another day of living the impossible!” May you be bless Lacey, MY SISTER SOLDIER IN CHRIST!

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