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LANNON           "Guide Me Through The Dark"

London based metal band created by Johnny Icon and Lucien Yorg from Icon and the Black Roses.







01. Nothing
02. Living Hell
03. Guide Me Through the Dark
04. Chameleon
05. Firefall
06. The Return
07. Black and Hollow







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 Lannon is:

 Johnny Icon - Vocals

 Lucien Yorg - Guitars 

 Lzi Hayes - Bass

 Igor Jankovski - Drums



Review by Salvo Russo



The musical duo Johnny Icon and Lucien Yorg come back after Icon And The Black Roses' good album "Thorns", after 4 years, but this time, the story is different.
This album really blew me away! It's a pure masterpiece by which Johnny Icon proves that his personal exponential growth is a certainty.
Speaking about this album is quite difficult for me, because I'd start describing all my deepest sensations; If you have aleady appreciated Johnny with Icon and Black Roses, you'll appreciate this album because what shines through is that he didn’t lose his musical sensitiveness but now he really gave a different shape to his musical approach.
From one side, the album shows that Lannon is a modern project in which you notice great and powerful arrangements  made by djent guitars, modern electronic parts that “adorn” the arrangements and make the music absolutely great; from the other side the skill of two guys who never lost the ability to give “soul” to the songs .

I can admit that Johnny has finally found the perfect “workmate” and the chemistry is essential when you make music; Johnny’s voice sounds absolutely perfect into this powerful and modern sound, and even if he was considered as one of the best singer into LoveMetal scene after the first Icon and Black Roses album, now he proves us that he can do even better through this “modernization”.


If you’re thinking that this album could be compared to all modern metal bands, the answer is only partly! Lannon has really made a masterpiece in which you can remind of Anathema, Paradise Lost for what concerns the deepest approaching mood but Johnny also took inspiration from modern metal bands like Escape The Day, The Ralph, not forgetting his personal and unique melodic approach!

“Nothing” is the opener and it’s impossible not to notice the gothic influence!
It’s pure melancholic modern metal in which Johnny and Lucien may be thought  how could put together the decaying approach of Paradise Lost and the modern metal sound made by the powerful djent guitars ; Successful and great song!
“Living Hell” is what you couldn’t expect from Johnny! Pure and rude modern metal sung with a powerful and rough voice in which maybe Johnny reminded us that he’s also a “younger son” of Metallica and Thrash metal in general, almost making us forgetting his passionate and “sweet” approach.
The title track is an involving dark alternative suite in which the refrain makes the most. The songs alternates a very dark strophe and a very involving modern metal refrain.
“Chameleon” begins as if you are invited to get through a dark path, but at the end of it you find a very green light that really makes you feel more powerful than ever!
It’s a refrain that you won’t easily forget!
“Firefall” lets me remind of the best Paradise Lost mixed to modern metal bands, and I can’t but say that Johnny takes out an unbelievable voice able to reach high tones with an incredible pathos! It’s another pearl into this golden sea of songs!
“Return” is a melancholic acoustic ballad that really makes me image a calm sea at the sunset, a very calm song that really show me how Johnny can makes things great even with a simple guitar and a synth!
The album is closed by the magnificent and majestic “Black And Hollow” in which the dark mood of the song is absorbed into the power of the arrangements; the melody really blows me away as well as the structure of the song in which Johnny and Lucien give the best of themselves. 
Only 7 songs?! Well you know what? Good things come in small packages, this proverb perfectly fits!
I can only say that if you like modern metal, gothic, dark, djent , this album must be part of your collection. Johnny and Lucien outdo themselves, and the more you listen to these songs, the most you’ll love them!

Rating?  “ full marks and honour “







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