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Medusa release concert

September 01, 2017 -LKA Longhorn -STUTTGART



Live Reportage (review and photos FROM PHOTOPIT ) by dalia digiacomo. All Rights reserved.

It is possible to share the photos of this reportage on social platforms,  giving credits and without modifying the pictures and their logo. For  other purposes,  it is prohibited to use the photos without previous written permission.


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Accreditation/Photopass: Northern Music Company















PHOTO GALLERY from the audience.  External contribution and courtesy by  S. Vogelaar

VIDEOS  from the audience. External contribution and courtesy by J. Marks




On September 1st, 2017, the mythical venue LKA Longhorn  in Stuttgart has guested a very, very special concert. To tell the truth, it wasn`t a "normal"  concert, it was much more: it was the  release show of the new album from the cult U.K. Metallers Paradise Lost. The new album is called "Medusa" and was released indeed on September 1st via Nuclear Blast. What does it mean? It means a lot of emotional things for the fans of the band. First off there was a big hype concerning the new merchandise and concerning the songs and this hype remained high and the expectations of the fans were fulfilled. Only a couple of new songs were already  successfully revealed, therefore the fans that crowded the venue were very curious about the other songs, completely trusting the band (although  the whole album was punctually published in the morning of  September 1 on Spotify).  On the other hand, the band trusted their fans and the impact of the new tracks on them. The result was fantastic: the merchandise began to be craved when doors opened, many people were wearing  proudly the new  tees making a kind of contrast with those fans who  were wearing tees who could belong already to the world of the memorabilia: really historical shirts to say the least . The rest were shirts  coming from various eras of the band. The set up of the venue was marked by wonderful panels portraying the cover arts of all PL albums, a kind of journey in the band's career. The fans with their shirts were also giving an idea of the rich history of the band. An history that is completely renewed album after album.. It was not only the evening  of "Medusa" , it was indeed a kind of tribute for the whole career of the band. It was announced that the show was going to be divided in two great parts: in the first part the album "Medusa" would have been played in its entirety while the second part would have been  dedicated to  the classics, this is to say songs from different eras of the band that the fans had the possibility to choose through a voting, run by Nuclear Blast. Yes the second part of the show has been designed by the fans by voting the songs. By the way fans, for many (for me too) this has been the evening of the get-together.Some people  have reached Stuttgart coming from various Lands or diferent parts of Germany.  I was simply excited at the idea to meet again , after many years, friends from the glorious "Weeping Words" time, that were coming from England and Germany : you know who you are! Of course it was also possible to buy the new album and not only as standard  cd-digibook , but also as coloured vinyl(s) and as exclusive collector's boxset in alternative optical snake skin too with  the cd-digibook, gatefold picture disc, the  seven-inch single featuring the tracks "Shrines" and "Symbolic Virtue", a candle, poster, band photo card, poster flag and an exclusive autographed cover artwork. For me this concert  was important  also because it would have been the first time that I could see their new great drummer Waltteri Väyrynen (Vallenfyre). So much concerning the atmosphere. Now the concert. 

The show has been a success with the crowd in extasy; surely everyone had a great time. The concert was divided in two parts indeed with final encore.  Almost two hours of of awesomeness. As previously mentioned the fans got what they desired and truly enjoyed this special,  unique show . Me too! There is only one thing that I could criticize. The lights during the first  three songs were surely not ideal in order to shoot photos. Moreover  those three otherwise beautiful songs (Fearless Sky, Gods Of Ancient, From The Gallows) that opened the concert , that are also the first  3 tracks of the album, dont  fit exactly a live concert. Fearless Sky is very doomy and to start a concert with such heavy darkness  that shows its muscles only in its second half,  is a true  challenge . The song is simply marvellous but as opener puts the show  under a doomy shadow of imminent breakdown and decadence, thing that only those who like this atmosphere can find delicious. As live song I must say that Gods of Ancient  a  true colossal Doom Monster  that is much more difficult at  a first listening than Fearless Sky is a no go. Gods of Ancient is for me a great song but in no way a song to perform  live . With From The Gallows the concert takes off with more rhythm and..more lights and more and more headbanging. After this very doomy beginning (and yes we are happy that Paradise Lost write Doom songs again anyway ) the concert truly explodes with The Longest Winter, a masterpiece where Doom, Melody, and Gothic go hand in hand in a pleasant way. The doom/gothic touching , heart breaking song Medusa , although slow, is another thing if compared with Gods of Ancient and is truly enjoyable  live, it is even a kind of drug to which you quickly become addicted. Another highlight of the first part of the concert, reserved to Medusa played in its entirety, is Blood & Chaos, that the fans already knew because it was already published as single and got an official video (like The Longest Winter). the uptempo and fierceness of Blood & Chaos propelles the typical Doom/Gothic sound of Paradise Lost  into a true and heavy uptempo Metal force , ideal for live performances.  I would have loved  to listen to Shrines and Symbolic Virtue, but they were not played in Stuttgart because they are Bonus Tracks. But they are two fu*king jewels , two little masterpieces that must be played live , in my humble opinion, and I truly hope Paradise Lost will include them in the setlists of their upcoming tour!


The second part of the concert , the part of the classics, has been amazing because  was a true apotheosis. Songs like Embers Fire, Hallowed Land, Shadowkings, No Hope In Sight  and True Belief take no prisoners. For me , in particular, True Belief marked my "rebirth" as metalhead, years ago. It must be said that many of the songs from Medusa will become classics as well,because Medusa is an amazing album able to "compete" at the same level with the greatest historical albums of the band. And yes, it came the time for Small Time Boy too. Concerning Small Time Boy I had and still have mixed feelings, and in Stuttgart it has proved to be a great cover and above all very danceable track. Nonetheless , even when i enjoy it  the most 8and I appreciate lyrics and meaning), I hardly accept it as a track of the PL discography under the point of the composition: too "pop" for me. In Stuttgart too was the most danceable songs of all,  that let many hard metallers forget to headband and brought them to jump a bit instead. Anyway in Stuttgart no one really cared about the differences among the eras , enjoying the music like there were no tomorrow. Only Paradise Lost as pioneers , as veterans, as masters were important together with  everything they gave to the Metal Scene. Many fans sang along several songs . From the moment I enjoyed Nik's performance I can say, that my mind was caught at times by Nick's lyrics , in particular those of the songs Blood & Chaos, The Longest Winter, True Belief, Hallowed Land and Say Just Words. Nick's lyrics do have a great fascination in its often inscrutable meaning.  Concerning vocals, I still prefer Nick's growls than  his clear vocals, anyway in Stuttgart everything was like magic. It seems that there were some technical difficulties in the first part of the concert, but nothing that could compromise the success. I was impressed also by the performance of rhythmic guitarist and historical pillar of the band Aaron Aedi, who was  really in top form.

 I went out of the venue happy. To live this unique concert was well worth  and a must  for a fan like me . I know that I will see Paradise Lost soon again in Switzerland, Z7, Pratteln on October 30. Cannot wait. Indeed Paradise Lost will soon embark for an extensive European tour (starting on September 27) and will be supported by their label mates and U.S. doomsters Pallbearer, as well as Sinistro from Portugal.  Go see them!! The Masters are around . If you  miss them , you will commit a capital sin. 



Fearless Sky
Gods Of Ancient
From The Gallows
The Longest Winter
No Passage For The Dead
Blood And Chaos
Until The Grave

Embers Fire
Hallowed Land
No Hope In Sight
True Belief
Small Town Boy

Say Just Words
The Last Time


review by dalia di giacomo


PHOTO GALLERY  © dalia di giacomo

Photo Gallery Paradise Lost from photopit

PHOTO GALLERY  © S. Vogelaar with no professional camera. External contribution and courtesy. All Rights reserved to S. Vogelaar.

Photo Gallery Paradise Lost from the audience

VIDEOS from the audience © J. Marks. External contribution and courtesy.  All Rights reserved to J. Marks.

"First ever live performance of the title track "Medusa" from the new Paradise Lost album "Medusa" Performed at the LKA Longhorn In Stuttgart Germany on 01/09/2017 as part of a a special album release show showcasing the performance of Medusa in its entirety. Video filmed on Samsung" J. Marks

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