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A GryphonMetal Reportage by Daroc https://www.instagram.com/daroc.switzerland/
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The promoter Metalmayhem celebrated its 15th anniversary at KIFF Aarau on September 17th. This event has a kind of history. It was originally intended as the release show for Messiah's longplayer "Fracmont" on September 12th 2020. Well – we all know what happened with most of the concerts worldwide. However – this time it worked out. The bands Total Annihilation, Flescrawl and Messiah, who had originally been scheduled, were joined by Contorsion, Hellvetica and Asphyx.
The event took place on two levels. On the one hand in the “Foyer” (with free admission) and upstairs in the “Saal”. It was planned in such a way that theoretically there should not have been a minute of silence. Immediately after the last note of each band, the next one started. It didn't quite work out with the last band. Due to the strikes in Amsterdam and the resulting cancellations and delays, Asphyx arrived in Aarau only shortly before the show started. But they arrived - and it was awesome.
But from the beginning. It seemed like the fans didn't want to miss a second. The foyer was already quite full .
Contorsion from Central Switzerland started the evening with their driving Thrash Metal. The experienced musicians around front man Marc didn't need much time to raise the temperature in the “Foyer”.
Fleshcrawl then opened the evening in the "Saal". The German death metal institution entered the stage and played like there was no tomorrow. After the death of their long-time singer Sven due to cancer, it was uncertain whether they would continue. But almost a year ago, the new singer Borisz was introduced and the band continued. And - what a killer set from the German veterans.
Back in the foyer. Total Annihilation plays once again with substitute guitarist Jonas von Comaniac one week after their appearance at the MehSuff Festival, as regular guitarist Schmidle is still recovering. But that didn't detract from the Basel band's performance. Just like the week before, a tireless thrash attack rolled over the fans. It was over much too quickly.
Then back up into the “Saal”. One of the longest-serving metal bands from Switzerland is on. Messiah enter the stage with their new shouter Marcus and with a lot of fun. The crowd was waiting for them and Messiah delivered. Of course, their now two-year-old album 'Fracmont' was represented with a few songs. But classics like "Space Invaders" and "Extreme Cold Weather" were also on the bill. Conclusion after an hour of Messiah: it was great once again!
Now for the last band in the foyer: Hellvetica!!! It was practically a home game for the Aargauers. Damn, does this singer have power. Roman doesn't stand still for a second and has the audience in his grip. During the first song already the first circle pit (which made it a bit difficult for me to take photos...). Unbelievable the energy that developed in the audience. "Thrash with attitude" is their motto. Hell yeah!
Finally, the Dutch veterans Asphyx with singer Martin van Drunen, bassist Alwin Zuur, Paul Baayens on guitar and Stefan Hüskens on drums. When the audience would have been ready, the sound check was still in progress. As mentioned, the guys had only arrived shortly before their performance. But so the tension rose all the more. Then it started and the Dutch death roller took no prisoners. After 35 years in the business, they don't let themselves get rattled by a short arrival. Apshyx had the Kiff under control and the fans were grateful. Hammer.
Conclusion of the evening: from start to finish just awesome!
Thanks Kiff, thanks Metal Mayhem and above all thanks to Contorsion, Fleshcrawl, Total Annihilation, Messiah, Hellvetica and Asphyx!!!
Live review by Daroc
19:00-19:30 CONTORSION -> Foyer
19:30-20:15 FLESHCRAWL -> Saal
20:15-20:45 TOTAL ANNIHILATION -> Foyer
20:45-21:45 MESSIAH -> Saal
21:45-22:15 HELLVETICA -> Foyer
22:15-23:15 ASPHYX -> Saal
Foyer 19:00: Contorsion Setlist: The Plague of Virtuality United Zombie Nations Rise and Fall This Lying Breed Unconditional Hate Insurrection Thrash Metal Domination |
Foyer 20:15: Total Annihilation Setlist: Reborn in Flesh Iron Coffin Solace for the Weak Black Blood Big, Fat, Lying, Bastards Day Z
Foyer 21:45: Hellvetica Setlist: Deadly Eyes BFJ Forever revolution Mohawk Spikes Against the Odds Gate to Hell Wake upt the Dead Bitchslap |
Saal 19:30: Fleshcrawl Setlist: Carved in Flesh Bloodred Massacre Flesh Bloody Flesh Embraced by Evil Phrenetic Tendencies Into The Fire Of Hell Written In Blood After Obliteration From The Dead To The Living Slaughter at Dawn Beneath a Dying Sun As Blood Rains from the Sky The Day Man Lost |
Saal 20:45: Messiah Setlist: Sacrosanctus Primitivus Hymn to Abramelin / Messiah Space Invaders Fracmont Choir of Horrors Singularity Akasha Chronicle Morte al Dente Living with a Confidence Total Maniac Cautio Criminalis Enjoy Yourself Extreme Cold Weather |
Saal 22:15: Asphyx Setlist: The Quest of Absurdity Botox Implosion Molten Black Earth Death the Brutal Way Asphyx (Forgotten War) Deathhammer Knights Templar Stand It Came from the Skies Wasteland of Terror The Nameless Elite Forerunners of the Apocalypse The Rack Last One on Earth |