SadDoLLs Interview
with George
go to our review "Grave
) Hi George! It
is a real pleasure to have this interview with you. To
start, I have to say that after two years SadDolls are back with an
unbelievable new album. I feel that the roots of this album were
somewhat sowed in the previous one, probably in a couple of songs
(Psychedelic Love, Be Darkness). Could you explain us the main source of
inspiration that drove you into this new sound?
Hi, Salvo and thank you for this interview. Well there is a small story
behind the creation of Grave Party. We where just not feeling right with
the outcome of our previous album “Happy Deathday” ,yes, it gained
us some more popularity, it got us a booking agency deal but we felt
that this album was not “SadDoLLs” it was not our sound, and we
definitely did not want to make a “Happy Deathday Part 2” – no
way! So we sat down and looked through our options. We owed our
“fans” a dark album, a heavier album, a more “mature” view to
our sound and lyrics. So we said that we will try to give our sound a
different direction, and if we where successful and liked the new songs
we would go to studio and record the third album, if not we would break
up. Thankfully we wrote some cool songs that sounded the part, we were
happy with the outcome, so we announced the new album, we recorded it
and here you have it.
When I listen to your new songs, I feel like you put in less romanticism
and more modern metal. I notice like a sort of a shift from an
easy-listening “lovemetal” sound, so to speak, to gothic/industrial
metal. Is that a simple recipe? What
can you tell me about it?
Well no. It’s not simple at all. At least back then when we started
the song writing it was something entirely new to us, music wise and
lyric wise. But i think now that we feel that this is our sound, it’s
more easier for us to take it to the next level when SadDoLLs Part 4
will start pre-production.
Let’s talk about you latest videoclip “Lady Cry”. Undoubtedly, it
is a very intense video, starring a charming and beautiful woman. May I
ask you how did it come out? Who did create the screenplay? Do you think
is there any sort of link or correlation between the music and the video
First of all the video for “Lady Cry” is our favourite so far, it
looks exactly as I imagined and it carries the feeling of the song. The
female lead is just a friend of ours, she is not an actress, as well as
the male lead. And the screenplay is written and conceived by me, it’s
the first time I Was doing this (at least the first time doing this
professionally) and with the help of our director Dominik Papaemmanouil
the outcome was more than satisfactory. It tells the story of a lady who
pays a big sum of money (or at least we thought she did) in order to
watch us perform a private gig. She looks strict and bitchy, but when
she listens to the song, she gets frustrated by it, then I go to her and
seduce her, so I can steal the briefcase with the money, and when I do
we open the briefcase only to see that news papers and magazine pages
are inside instead of money, and when I turn around to find her she is
gone. So actually it is a funny clip after all :P I get betrayed in the
end...Never trust a lady :P
Let’s talk about your concerts. I have always thought that it is not
easy to play your kind of music live, meeting people’s expectations in
terms of sound’s quality and accuracy compared to the studio versions
of your songs. Do you believe it is necessary to maintain a high
standard of accuracy in reproducing songs on a live setting? How do you
manage that?
Well in our opinion the audience want to see the band – artist play
the songs live, so they want the live feeling, cause if they wasn’t
they would sit at their homes and listen to the actual album. On the
other hand we as a band want to create a hybrid concerning our sound
during live shows, so we put the live feeling with live vocals, and
drums and basses and guitars but instead of having a live keyboard
player we reproduce all the keyboards and loops and beats from an ipod
and the drummer hears the click in his headphones, the keyboards are
synced with the click, so all the band plays the song in the exact same
bpm’s that it was originally recorded and all the keyboards sound
exactly like they sound in the actual album. Many bands do that, it is
really helpful and the audience loves it.
As you may know, in your album review, I wrote that I think there is
still a sort of reminiscence of Him’s sound in your music, in
particular of early Him, say their 1995-1996 production. Do you agree
with that?
Well in this album we tried to cast away all the HIM influences at least
keep them to the minimum and i think we did, I Can’t hear much of
HIM’s sound in this album, but if you do I’m glad that you say it
sounds like old HIM, this era was one of their best!
Music business is increasingly becoming very tough in the last years and
in my opinion, there are too many bands outside and too little
opportunities to stand out, even for the most talented ones. Do you
think that good music and the music market as a whole will ever find a
way to get out of this situation?
No I Don’t think so, I think that it will only get worse. There’s
just too many bands out there...But in my opinion there are
opportunities out there, you just need to be good and have some luck.
You are from Greece, a country who passed, and still is passing, through
a very hard time due to the recent financial crisis. Is
there something you want to highlight about the approach to rock music,
in general, of your home country and your fellow citizens?
Unfortunately Greeks don’t like rock or metal music, they find it
evil, or just music for children, they listen to traditional Greek
music, so there is a really small heavy metal community in Greece.
Now, you already had a chance to say what are your favourite bands and
those that have influenced you in your life. Is there any new band that
generates interest in you or that you think is doing well in the present
musical framework?
Well I recently discovered the music of bands such as : Lord Of The
Lost, Mono Inc., OOMPH and Das Scheit and also the neighbour Italians
Black Deep White.
How do you generally come up with your lyrics? Is there any “rule”
about this process, I mean, do the lyrics come first or do you generally
put them on music? Is there any song’s lyrics you “feel more” than
others or to which you feel, for some reason, particularly attached?
I Actually listen to the instrumental song and then I compose the vocal
lines, and then I attach the lyrics, it’s a simple process actually J
Well if I could say that I “feel” a song stronger than others this
will be “On The Road 66” and “Bleed Sister Bleed” from the new
album, and “Coma Song” from the previous album that is dedicated to
my late dad.
I would say that the “lovemetal” sound, that one we generally
associate to bands like Him, To Die For, is not riding the crest of a
wave in the rock framework today. Do you think that this is due to some
sort of different trend of the moment? And do you actually think that
music (and bands) should follow any trend (be it imposed by the media or
just the result of some technical improvements, especially in the
electronic and digital sounds)?
: I think that the “love metal” genre (if there actually is one out
there) was popular when HIM where getting popular too. Many bands that
sounded like HIM was popping up like mushrooms and I must say that many
of them where quite good. But HIM originally did it first and HIM should
only be doing this. And this is why this trend died so fast and only
lasted for a couple of years. Nowdays Stoner and metalcore are the main
trend in metal. I Can’t say anything about this, only thing I can say
is that for as long as we exist as a band we will make dark music, no
matter how trendy or not it is.
Now, can you give us three good reason to purchase your new album? Also,
can you tell us where is it possible to find it?
Well as you mentioned before, some say that this genre is long time gone
or dead or over repeated. I, on the other hand can say that Goth is not
dead, it is resurrected – don’t believe me? Get a copy of “Grave
Party” directly from
by Salvo Russo  |