
I try
Not King
Go Away
Lost For The Victory

Cri- Vocals
Teo "Saxo" - Guitars
Degio - Guitars
Lollo - Bass
Teo- Drums
RELAYPSE: "Relaypse  Demo-2002"         relaypse               

Soon, Relaypse will release their  first album:  "Mexico"





review by Matthew "Matt" Haumschild___ 


My first impressions of this band so far, is that they sound American. Yes, you can tell the difference between a European band and a American band. This band sounds American yet their Italian. You may ask, "Matt, how can you tell by listening to this band?" Let me tell you: The influence of American metal is evident in the vocal style of which Cri is trying to portray. To be more precise, there are various parts of "I Try" and "Go Away" where he sounds a lot like Sully (I think that's his name) from Godsmack only with a Italian accent. Is this bad? Not at all. Cri's vocal styal actually blends in quite well with what the rest of the band is playing. There are other vocal parts where he sounds like Jay from Kilgore. Again, nothing wrong with that, however the only thing I could see bad about this is lack of personal style in  his vocals. This isn't bad by any means but this could lead to originality problems for future endevors. Afterall, this is only a demo.
             If I could describe or classify this band as a whole, I would say that they sound like a modern rock band. Like Godsmack or Disturbed or something to that effect
All the songs are radio friendly. Although the first three tracks are too long for radio, "Lost For Victory" the shortest at 3:01 is my favorite of them all. It's short, to the point and the kids can mosh to it very violently. Also, out of the four tracks, this one sounds the tightest. If you only had time to download one song, download this one. Listening to it, it is a very simple straight forward song. I hate comparing, but this song sounds like a early Pantera song with Relaypses own little flare to it.

Overall I like this band. I want to hear more. As for demos go I'd rate it 4/5. I can hardly say anything bad about them. Check them out.

Rating: 4/5  

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