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Z7 Metal Dayz 2009








Drafthouse Films 

our interview with Jason Trost





Director: Brandon Trost, Jason Trost
Starring: Jason Trost, Lee Valmassy, Art Hsu, Caitlyn Folley, Nick Principe, Brandon Barrera, Sean Whalen, James Remar

when this movie gets viewed in a group, it makes it that much better.

You’re probably asking, “What the hell is this movie?!?” Let me answer that; only one of the funniest yet original movies I’ve seen in a long time. It’ll be hard to describe, in words, the utter lunacy that the story represents, but I’ll try. The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world (or at least that’s what they tell us in the beginning of the film) where in this small town, there are two rival factions vying for control, and they do battle by playing Beat Beat Revolution, which is Dance Dance Revolution. Yes, they really do that and yes, it’s funny as hell. In the beginning of the movie, the leader of one of the factions was killed during a dance off and his older brother “J-Tro” becomes devastated and withdraws completely from trying to get control and becomes a lumberjack. Since becoming a lumberjack, control has shifted and J-Tro’s friend tries to convince him to come back to the FP, fight back and take revenge.

Of course, there are other parts to the movie such as a love interest, training montages, and even a gun fight, but nothing compares to the language that is used in the movie. I just could not get over the amount of slang that was utilized. The slang was so thick, I had to adjust the way I was listening to comprehend what they were trying to say. I also, couldn’t tell how much of this movie was scripted and how much of this was adlibbed, but the language used by-itself makes it worth seeing because it was over utilized to the point of becoming stuff of legend.

I was fortunate enough to see this movie at midnight with my friends at one of the most storied theaters in Minneapolis and I think that contributed to my fondness of the movie. More than half of the theater was filled with guys (90% of the audience were guys), that were in their late 20’s and 30’s, and we were all cracking up throughout the movie. The comedy stems from a lot of clichés and stereotypes people have of the younger generation that are currently in junior high or even high school.

The characters really make the movie interesting. “L Dubba E,” One of the best protagonists I’ve seen a long time, played by Lee Valmassy, was acted out so well, it wouldn’t’ surprise me if he receives more roles in the future. His delivery, his gestures, his eyes, and the best part, his facial expressions just screams, “I’m the bad guy,” to me, he’s the best characterhe whole movie. All the other characters are just as laughable but not done nearly as well.

Keep in mind, before seeing this movie, note, that it’s supposed to be ridiculously funny. The story is pretty bad, the elements are pretty bad, the acting is actually okay, the location is very questionable, the characters are actually quite excellent, the quality is top notch, but, it is a bad movie and should not be taken seriously in any manner and that’s why I recommend it. Buy this movie and invite all of your friends over because when this movie gets viewed in a group, it makes it that much better.




review  by  Matthew Haumschild   

Chief Editor in USA/Photography


e-mail  m.haumschild[at] 


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